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​Are you ready to feel the benefits?


Downward facing dog​​

Beginners, All Levels


1. Stand with your feet hip distance apart on a yoga mat with your arms at your sides


2. Keeping your back straight, hinge forward at the waist and plant your palms flat on the floor, fingers pointing forward and spread apart.


3. Lift your hips toward the ceiling until your body makes an inverted "V."

4. Press your chest toward your knees, keep your eyes on your toes and press your heels toward the floor. Breathe deeply and move deeper into the pose with each exhalation. Depending on your flexibility, you may be able to touch the floor with your heels.

5. For more of a challenge raise one leg up.

Crane Pose, Crow Pose​

Level, Interediate


Step by Step:

  • From Tadasana squat down with the feet a little apart, knees wider then your hips. Place your hands flat in front of you on the floor.

  • Firm your hands down, especially the knuckle of the index finger and thumb. Lift the hips high, elbows are bend (90 degrees).

  • Place your knees (high) on your upper arms (or squeeze the outer upper arms with your knees). Hug the knees and elbows in, exhale and round strongly through the upper back drawing your side waist up, using your abdominals.

  • Than squeezing in and up, bring the weight forward so the elbows end up straight over the wrist.

  • Inhale reach the heart forward and let one foot come up, if possible two. Bring the heels and big toes together and lift the heels up over time towards the buttocks.

  • Stay for about 5/10 breaths. Come back into a squat when you are ready.




  • Increases the strength in the wrists, arms, shouders

  • Strengthens the inner thighs, abdominals and core

  • Stretches the upper back

  • Opens the groin

  • Over time this pose will make you feel strong and confident.




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